Referendum Text
Must a special one percent sales and use tax be imposed in Georgetown County, South Carolina for 8 years to raise the amounts specified for the following purposes:
1. Browns Ferry Water District - $3,068,000 for water system improvements.
2. City of Georgetown - $1,040,000 (as grant match funding) for relocation of electric utility lines along Black River Road.
3. Waccamaw Regional Transit Authority - $624,000 (as grant match funding) for a passenger transfer facility in the City of Georgetown.
4. Town of Andrews - $2,332,070 for E. Cherry St., Rosemary Ave. and Georgetown Hwy. water system improvements.
5. Town of Andrews - $652,426 (as grant match funding) for S. Rosemary, Morgan Ave, E. Cherry St. and system wide water and sewer system improvements.
6. Town of Pawleys Island - $286,000 for north jetty improvements.
7. Georgetown County - $832,000 for NW Regional Park at Pleasant Hill covered pavilion.
8. Georgetown County - $572,000 for Waccamaw Regional Recreation Center multi-sport court project.
9. Georgetown County Water and Sewer District - $13,302,650 for Sampit community sewer project.
10. Town of Pawleys Island - $2,080,000 for stormwater drainage project.
11. Georgetown County - $988,000 for Phase I of Wachesaw Park project.
12. Town of Andrews - $1,352,000 for public works and fire equipment storage facility.
13. Georgetown County Water and Sewer District - $2,325,866 for Jerusalem and Northwest Old Pee Dee region water project.
14. Georgetown County -$988,000 for landfill maintenance facility.
15. City of Georgetown - $1,040,000 for fire substation.
16. City of Georgetown - $2,570,204 for S. Fraser and Emmanuel Streets (steel mill system) stormwater improvements.
17. Georgetown County Water and Sewer District - $7,408,591 for Kilsock to Plantersville water connection Phases I and II.
18. Georgetown County Water and Sewer District - $7,847,371 for Plantersville water system.
19. Georgetown County - $10,000,000 for Emergency Operations and 911 facility.
20. Georgetown County - $ 4,040,794 for Midway Fire & Rescue Station 83 replacement.
21. Georgetown County - $5,720,633 for MLK Drive in Pawleys Island drainage and multi-modal path.
22. Georgetown County Water and Sewer District - $5,282,496 for St. Luke Community sewer project.
1. Georgetown County – $1,000,000 (as grant match funding) for Murrells Inlet dredging.
2. Georgetown County Water and Sewer District – $4,575,165 for Oatland sewer.
3. Georgetown County Water and Sewer District – $2,597,265 for 701 sewer pump station.
4. Georgetown County - $3,540,000 for Parkersville drainage and multi-modal path.
5. Georgetown County - $3,022,269 (as grant match funds) for Brick Chimney Rd. phase II.
6. Town of Andrews – $6,500,000 for stormwater improvements.
7. Georgetown County Water and Sewer District – $3,899,890 for Brick Chimney sewer main.
8. Georgetown County – $1,825,925 for airport water and sewer.
9. Georgetown County – $2,437,500 for Petigru North drainage and multi-modal path.
10. City of Georgetown – $3,308,550 for Church St. to Merriman Rd. stormwater project.
11. City of Georgetown – $2,932,087 for Oak, Elizabeth, and Morrison Street water project.
12. Georgetown County – $2,800,000 for a new Airport Drive Fire and EMS station.
13. Georgetown County – $1,000,000 for emergency services training facility.
14. Georgetown County – $2,000,000 for Garden City beach groins.
15. Rural Community Water District – $4,819,650 for new elevated water tank.
16. Georgetown County Water and Sewer District – $6,404,750 for Hwy 521 water main.
17. City of Georgetown – $1,369,650 for Cannon street stormwater project.
18. Georgetown County – $2,800,000 for Ringle Heights area Fire and EMS station.
19. Georgetown County - $2,409,705 for Petigru South drainage and multi-modal path.
Pending the receipt of such sales and use tax, must the County also be authorized to issue and sell, either as a single issue or as several separate issues, general obligation bonds (the “Bonds”) of the County in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $25,000,000, to defray a portion of the costs of the Georgetown County sponsored projects listed above plus issuance costs, to be paid from the sales and use tax to be imposed as stated herein and pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds, and, in the event such sales and use tax is inadequate, such bonds shall be payable from a sufficient ad valorem tax imposed on all taxable property in the County.
If the voter wishes to vote in favor of the question, select “Yes, in favor of the question”; if the voter wishes to vote against the question, “No, Opposed to the question.”
Yes, In Favor of the question
No, Opposed to the question